1993 VW Gol GTi, the first BR-made fuel injected car. Featuring a Bosch LE-Jetronic multipoint mechanical fuel injection, it developed 120hp on a 2.0 litre AP2000 inline 4, on standard gasoline. Despite Ethanol being a ‘free-hp’ fuel for hot hatches in the 80’s and 90’s, the delicate fuel injection system couldn’t withstand the corrosion effects ethanol has. Due to that, the ‘inferior’ Gol GTS that featured a 1.8 litre AP1800S developed 105 hp and boasted similar performance to the GTi for less than 50% of the price, albeit, less luxurious, advanced and exclusive. Due to the ‘fancy’ fuel injection system, a deal with the government was made to allow the production of the GTi but the production was limited to 2000 units a year despite demand. The GTi despite being a dream car, wasn’t free of the ‘old BR quality’ issues other BR-made/delivered cars suffered at the time, needing a ‘secret’ (underwarranty) engine rebuild done at a dealer before 50k km on the long term test unit used by Quatro-rodas.
1 comment
Imagino que vc esteja no Japão, pois tem muitos carros japoneses.