Triangles: 1.3k
Vertices: 672
More model informationready to use 7,5 cm Round 3d model
The Nazi Germany’s 75mm rounds are one of the round calibers of World War II era. Those rounds were used by German tanks such as Panzer IV.
Ready to use in games or renders
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4096x4096 textures:
- albedo
- roughness
- metalness
- normal map
- height map
Additional files contains:
- 4096x4096 textures
- 2048x2048 textures
- 1024x1024 textures
- 512x512 textures
- 256x256 textures
- .obj model
- .fbx model
- .gltf model
- .stl model
modelled in Blender
textured in Adobe Substance 3D Painter
Aug 2nd 2021
- hd
- german
- 512
- round
- realistic
- game-ready
- ammunition
- realisticmodel
- substance_painter
- game-model
- 2048
- 4096
- 1024
- 256
- highquality
- 256x256
- substance3d
- 75mm
- 4ktextures
- gamereadymodel
- 2048x2048
- gamereadyasset
- realistic-textures
- 4ktexture
- hd-textures
- hdtextures
- 2ktexture
- 2ktextures
- 1024x1024
- 4096x4096
- 4k-textures
- germanarmy
- substancepainter
- substance-painter
- gameasset
- gamemodel
- gameready
- 4k-texture
- realistic-model
- highcaliber
- realistic_models
- 2k-texture
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