Action Dynamics of the Local Supercluster3D Model
Interactive visualization of the fully nonlinear gravitationally induced trajectories of a nearly complete set of galaxies, groups, and clusters in the Local Supercluster constructed in a Numerical Action Method (NAM) model constrained by data from the CosmicFlows survey and various distance indicators. The Virgo, Fornax, Antlia and Virgo W clusters are represented by large spheres colored red, khaki, black, and purple, respectively. The Milky Way and M31 galaxies are shown by smaller spheres colored yellow and green, respectively. Others are colored blue. The time evolution runs from the past 13.25 billion years to present.
This interactive visualization has been produced as part of the following paper: “Action Dynamics of the Local Supercluster” by Edward J. Shaya, R. Brent Tully, Yehuda Hoffman, and Daniel Pomarède, Astrophysical Journal 850 (2017) 207
Open access preprint version:
See also the video:
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