Triangles: 2.4M
Vertices: 1.2M
More model informationNote* This is a high-resolution test model that has a central hole in one of the profile windows due to missing coverage–we are currently working to address this issue.
SCRAP 2018, Alabama, Belize, Str. 10, Op 5 consists of an 8 m (north-south) by 3 m (east-west) excavation, divided into two 4 m x 3 m suboperations with smaller profile windows. These excavations will be resumed in 2019. Model generated using Pentax K-x SLR Digital Camera, 18 mm lens, and Agisoft. Refer to chapter by Peuramaki-Brown et al. in our 2018 report. Please cite model as S. Morton and M. Peuramaki-Brown 2018.
Mar 11th 2019