3D Model
The Aleksander class frigate was the largest Russian archipelago navy class ship in 1790 on the Baltic Sea. Five of these ships took part in the Second Battle of Svensksund on July 9th and were lost (taken over, sunk, or burnt), while eight frigates in total were built during the war of 1788–1790 against Sweden. Aleksandr class frigates had a typical ship rig of the period. Aleksandr class is known as an archipelago or rowing frigate. The hull has nine smaller holes between gun deck main gun ports.
Hull dimensions: • Length at waterline: 39.60 m • Greatest width (breadth): 9.80 m • Greatest depth: 3.6 m
Project ship 01B, Russian Aleksander Frigate Class, Open sails, 9.5.2020, programs: Blender, Substance Painter, UE4
This model was created in the National Museum of Finland project “Historia eläväksi digitaalisella tarinankerronnalla” by Zoan Oy.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution