This is tech preview of the dance animation .
Example of implementation:
Pls, notice how the dance works in loop, hits the music beat and how realistic it is.
seamless loop loop duration (at 60 fps) - 2600 frm (43.3 sec) dance tempo - 38 bpm .
This package consists next FBX files: 1) Male role 2) Female role 3) Assembles scene (example of correct usage) 4) T-pose M 5) T-pose F .
The animations of M/F roles are separated by 2 files to keep correct bones namings. In the Assembled Scene - bones are renamed (M:/F: prefixes in the beginning) - just to fit 2 characters into 1 scene. The characters bones are named according to UE5 naming convention.
the FBX files are saved in MotionBuilder 2013 version format
the characters are fully MB Characterized (in T-pose) and ready for Control Rig editing and/or re-targeting in all A&M cooperative dances (M-F / F-M-F) the Female base model is scaled up to 1.01 value to harmonize F-M relative heights)