Former stacked stones found north of Eel Hill, on Barningham Moor, County Durham.
This modern collection of stacked stones stood to a height around 1.40 metres, in an area awash with carved rocks, cairns and stretches of walling. Unfortunately, by 2018 the stack had either collapsed or been pushed over. ‘Cup-like’ depressions on the eastern were first identified during NADRAP surveys in 2005. Although the team weren’t particularly convinced about their prehistoric past, they were recorded and added to ERA as ‘Barningham Moor 46’. Presumably, the marked stones will now be scattered around what was once the base.
ERA record:
Historic England area scheduling:
Model created from 3 stereo pairs captured by NADRAP Team 5 in August 2005. The imagery forms part of the full NADRAP archive deposited with Historic England.
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