Triangles: 1M
Vertices: 500k
More model informationCulture: Achumawi
County: Modoc, Siskiyou, Shasta, Lassen
Date of Manufacture: Early 1900s
Materials: Hazel (Corylus cornuta var. californica) shoots; conifer roots; redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis) shoots; bear grass (Xerophyllum tenax) leaves
Dimensions (cm): Height = 11.1, Rim Diam = 13.5, Max Diam = 17.2
Description: Round basket with flat base, low shoulder, and gently in-curved sides; woven primarily in 2-strand twining with 3-strand twining on base and around rim; designs are in maidenhair fern in full-twist overlay and consist of geometric motif of triangles (possible variation of wolf’s eye pattern) repeated 4 times on sides and dashed line around rim, all on background of bear grass.