@Croitoru_Alexandru Hi! Thank you, and it's not a bother! I just linked it to my personal Paypal account. I don't have an LLC or any official business account at this time. It was a pretty simple process. The only option I see there is an option to "unlink" the account if I wanted to link it to a different business account later down the line.
Hello, sorry to bother you, i have a question, when you set up you pay pal business account, how did you describe your business, do you own a company, or are you a solo artist who sells models?
I'm sorry if the questions are a bit personal, I mean no harm or have no hidden interest, i need a bit of clarification on the Paypal side of things from someone who is using the platform.
Sorry for the long text, thank you for your time and understanding, your help would be greatly valued and appreciated.
Hi, such an elegant model to describe hair texture, I am going to use this masterpiece, thanks for sharing. vanity-salon.com/services/hair-color-tex...
@kevphil - HI and thank you!
She's beautiful: I'm in love! lol The hair is wonderful!
@etotheric Thank you for the reply, sorry for any inconvenience, and have a great day! :D
@Croitoru_Alexandru Hi! Thank you, and it's not a bother! I just linked it to my personal Paypal account. I don't have an LLC or any official business account at this time. It was a pretty simple process. The only option I see there is an option to "unlink" the account if I wanted to link it to a different business account later down the line.
Hello, sorry to bother you, i have a question, when you set up you pay pal business account, how did you describe your business, do you own a company, or are you a solo artist who sells models?
I'm sorry if the questions are a bit personal, I mean no harm or have no hidden interest, i need a bit of clarification on the Paypal side of things from someone who is using the platform.
Sorry for the long text, thank you for your time and understanding, your help would be greatly valued and appreciated.
PS. Your work is gorgeous
@steasaurus Also, thank you! I did mean to say, I used Billie Piper as reference.
@steasaurus Yes, good catch! haha
looks like a rat lol
Billie as in Billie Piper? If not then we have a very happy coincidence on our hands because you've nailed the likeness. Brilliant.
We featured your model on Facebook!
We featured your model on Instagram!
We featured your model on Twitter!
@bartv Thank you Bart!
@bkoziel Thank you!
Nice work
Cool! Staff picked.