BitCore is a cryptocurrency that is a UTXO fork of Bitcoin. Although you hear about hard forks, many people only know about hard Bitcoin forks, such as Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold; in contrast, few people know about BitCore or hybrid forks. Using Bitcoin’s source code and technology, BitCore created a new blockchain; it made sure that the blockchain size was smaller and scalability was better. In addition, block timings are faster than Bitcoin, making mining ASIC-resistant as well.
BitCore created a new blockchain on April 24, 2017. It took a snapshot of Bitcoin transaction and created 5 million transactions to fill all public addresses belonging to people who own 0.01 BTC or more. The funding ratio is 0.5 BTX: 1.0 BTC, but if you held bitcoins at the time of the snapshot, then you can apply for your share of BTX at a 1:1 conversion until October 30.
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