Avatar from Bjork - “Family” VR Experience
Avatar created by Andrew Thomas Huang
Original concept by Bjork
Ribbon mask by James Merry
Modeler: Josh Suyemoto
Modeler: Capitan Alegria
Character TD: Theresa Latzko
Animator: Andrew Thomas Huang
In celebration of Bjork Digital LA these Bjork avatars from “Family,” the VR experience directed by Andrew Thomas Huang, make their debut on the interactive CG model platform Sketchfab. These CG characters were created, designed and animated by Huang in collaboration with Bjork and James Merry, designer of Bjork’s iconic Vulnicura masks. In total these interactive avatars create a triptych whose colors (black, sulfur yellow and rubedo crimson) tell Bjork’s story of a woman’s journey from heartbreak to healing and ultimately empowerment.
This would be amazing as a tilt sensitive phone wallpaper. Just saying...
My favourite! x
Hey, I added the category Art & Abstract, and I removed the categories Animals & Pets, Characters & Creatures, Cultural Heritage & History, Electronics & Gadgets, Gaming and Science & Technology. I think this is more appropriate for your model.
Letting you know that this was featured on CGChannel's Sketchfab Models of the Month, as the header! Congrats!
@zemasu thank you! simulated ncloth in maya then attached bones to the cloth simulation for export to fbx, tutorial here: youtu.be/WLbVR8zKIq4
@seori thank you!! x
We loved this so much we shared it on social! Hope this brought people over who appreciate it as much as we do!
Stunning artwork, thanks for sharing!
loved experimenting with these this weekend at the reef
WOW @andrewthomashuang, great work, congratulations!
Oh my god this is impressive, how did you animated the clothes behind?
Great project, thanks for sharing! Gets my staff pick. And welcome to @Sketchfab :)