Black-figure Lekythos3D Model
Black-figure Lekythos
Triangles: 3M
Vertices: 1.5M
More model informationInv. no. 69-585
Description: This lekythos is attributed to the Class of Athens 581 group of black-figure lekythoi. Orange fabric with black, glossy slip on lip, handle, lower belly, and foot. The lekythos depicts an image of Herakles and Triton, with nereids feeling. The shoulder is decorated with lotus blossoms.
Date: 500-475 BCE
Measurements (m): H: 23 W 8.7
References: Bonanno, Carmela. Il Museo archeologico di Morgantina: catalogo. Rome: L’Erma di Bretschneider, 2013.
This model was created via digital photogrammetry using 174 images in RealityCapture.