Bottleneck basket / CAS 1983-0001-00083D ModelNoAI
Culture: Yokuts
County: Kern, Tulare, Kings, Fresno
Date of Manufacture: Early 1900s
Materials: Deer grass (Muhlenbergia rigens) stems; sedge grass (Carex sp.) roots; bracken fern (Pteridium sp.) roots; redbud (Cercis canadensis var. texensis) shoots; California quail top knot and woodpecker feathers
Dimensions (cm): Height = 15.0, Rim Diam = 11.0, Max Diam = 26.0
Description: Round, jar-shaped, bottleneck basket with flat base, flaring sides, high flat shoulder, and short neck; coiled on bundle foundation; designs are in redbud and dyed bracken fern roots and consist of 3 bands (2 on sides and 1 on shoulder) of diamonds and triangles (rattlesnake pattern) and 5 black vertical zigzags on neck; black quail topknot feathers and red woodpecker feathers decorate edge of shoulder.