Triangles: 381.4k
Vertices: 190.7k
More model informationPrint ready bull head relief.
Measure units are millimeters, it is about 35 mm in width (from ear to ear). For the pendant the diameter is about 39 mm.
Mesh is manifold, no holes, no inverted faces, no bad contiguous edges.
Here is three versions of the model:
1) B_H_Solid. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) The file contains the solid bull head that consist of 244426 triangular faces.
2) B_H_Hollow. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) The file contains the hollow bull head that consist of 289194 triangular faces.
3) B_H_Pnd. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) Here is the pendant, the file contains three objects. The model consist of 381352 triangular faces.
Available formats: .blend, .stl, .obj, .fbx, .dae
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