Triangles: 72.9k
Vertices: 37.8k
More model informationprocess gif and shots: another collab with Tamas Sarffi, who mde the sculpt and model for this! ( ) make sure to check it out! I believe this is the most detailed texture I painted so far, it was challenging af, but definitely learned a lot during the process :D concept by ( )
Oct 10th 2017
In collectionsSuggested 3D Models
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I was living in a salon when this was made pretty sure this is me
still the best tbh...
adorable ¿se puede descargar.? Saludos
this is hand painted?
very nice
pls where can i buy
Truly amazing.
u r an amazing artist Miki Bencz.. amazing..
Great textures and shading, well done.
very nice worl
Amazing! Love all your textures.
@mickboy5846 @mickboy5846 hola, al menos yo no podria responder eso, pero cuando publicas un modelo como el de la conejita, de cuerpo entero, y quieres que se vea bien, sin distorciones de lente le das mas profundidad de campo, en la configuracion de la pagina unos 45º estabien, si publicas algo mas pequeño, como un torso, yo le daria unos 60 o 65º eso es menos profundidad de campo, para verlo mas de cerca.
Amazing job Miki love the forms you have captured in the texture painting. Just a quick general question is it possible to find out the field of view information on a model? It would be great to know for learning. do most artists leave it on the default 45 degree setting?
me encanta este modelo y su pintura,ya me gustaria pintar asi, de verdad.. fantastico!!!
Fantastic Job!!
do it on the click. you are top class art.
Fantastic work here! Wish you every success!
Love it !