Camas scanned and fused via NextEngine ScanStudio on May 25, 2017. PLY files generated Nov 23, 2017. Sketchfab model generated with Meshlab on Nov 24 2017. Common Camas [Camassia quamash (Pursh) Greene] blosson collected May 25, 2017 in Uplands Park, Oak Bay, B.C., Canada.
[Note: Use of the NextEngine ScanStudio Fuse option was due to this being one of my first scans, and early on during the lerning process. It took quie a while to figure out that fusing fills in all the spaces of the mesh and that the Volune Merge option would generate meshes closer to the realiy of the flower’s structure, despite the laser not picking up all the points on the live flower structure, generating rather ragged models.]