Link to preview mateiral: file:///var/folders/qr/1jwcj6vj3672qy1zqyv1b4j00000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_0FNxm4/Screen%20Shot%202023-08-15%20at%206.51.53%20PM.png
(the sketchfab preview does not work with this material)
This .Blend file includes:
A photorealistic, procedural, PBR material. Made to have adjustable parameters for scale, texture mapping, and much more. (that works with EEVEE)
To use the paint material in other blender scenes, simply copy the node tree. then, you can paste it onto any other node group.
You DONT need to be a technical artist to use this material, It works straight out of the box! If you are an experienced artist, feel free to tweak the material as much as you like.
You do NOT need to UV unwrap your mesh for the material to work, it is made to use alternative techniques. (UV’s are still available if needed)
this material was made by me. Shai
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
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