Triangles: 20.4k
Vertices: 10.3k
More model informationIn the world of videogames coins are arguably the number 1 collectible item. Whether you want a realistic looking coin, or a more cartoon styilized one; they’re all great choices. That’s why we present to you our coin packages.
Every model comes with a base tri-mesh (FBX, OBJ, 3DS, DAE, STL and Blend formats) and a full set of 4K PNG textures.
The texture sets in this pack include:
- 10 Base Color maps
- 2 Normal maps
- 1 Metallic map
- 1 Roughness map
- 1 Height map
- 2 Displacement maps
- 2 Ambient Occlusion maps
- 2 Packed ARM (AO, Roughness, Metallic) maps
All coins were fashioned using real-life measurements and scaled up a bit, but can be scaled up or down as needed.
- Diameter: 24,25 cm. (9,54 in.)
- Thickness: 4,76 cm. (1,874 in.)
Total Poly-count is:
- Polygons: 20.432
- Vertices: 10.258
The models have been UV unwrapped (non-overlapping) and do NOT have any type of animation or rigging.
Thank you very much for choosing this model. WhiteTigerArt