Chalcatzingo 3D Terrain Map3D ModelNoAI
Chalcatzingo 3D Terrain Map
Triangles: 2.8M
Vertices: 1.9M
More model informationAnnotated 3D terrain model of the archaeological site of Chalcatzingo. These data are derived from a drone survey, showing a portion of the archaeological site of Chalcatzingo. These data center on the pyramid features and plaza area, as well as show a portion of the cerro rock area where a number of monuments and carvings are located at the site. The survey was done in collaboration with the Zona Arqueológica Chalcatzingo. Collaborators: INAH Arqueólogo Mario Córdova Tello – Director del Proyecto Arqueológico Chalcatzingo and Arqueóloga Carolina Meza Rodríguez – Responsable Operativo de la Z. A. Chalcatzingo. Special thanks to Xiel Adelberto Castillo Morales- drone survey and data processing.