Triangles: 785.2k
Vertices: 392.7k
More model informationFree 3D model and high detailed weapon CHEYTAC M200, feel free to use this model on personal projects, but please, don’t sell it The whole model has 2 texture sets, 1 set for the body and other set for the scope. The whole model has 4k textures.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Sep 4th 2022
@meowkoos thanks!
@Naugad might be Nightforce NXS 5.5 22x56
What`s kind of a scope?
havin a little bit of trouble texturing the scope, any reason why that could be?
is there any place where we can download the low poly version?
can you post the .blend? I want to isolate the magazine so I can make an animation!
@maxitam I've a lowpoly version, but isn't textured
Any chance there could be a lower poly version?
@PRince4 no problem, hope that you like the model
My favorite sniper, thank you so much for making this free.