Chromite chip cookie3D ModelNoAI
Chromite chip cookie
Triangles: 300k
Vertices: 150k
More model informationLocality: Vourinos, Greece
No.: 5358
Size: 10.9 x 8.7 x 3.9 cm
Formula: Fe(II)Cr(III)2O4
Description: Chromite is the most important chromium ore mineral. Chromite is commonly used for any Cr-rich mineral of the spinel group, particularly for the chromite-magnesiochromite series, and much of the mineral referred to as ‘chromite’ in geological and petrological papers and mining statistics is magnesiochromite.
The shape of the Chromite is most commonly grainy, massive, in veins, as rounded pebbles, in rounded grains, and nodular blobs embedded in rock - as you can see in this specimen. The matrix is represented by the weathered dunite.
Concept & 3D-modelling by Andrei Ionut APOPEI
Aug 19th 2021
- 3d-scan
- rocks
- geology
- crystal
- greece
- heritage
- romania
- crystals
- museum
- minerals
- mineral
- petrography
- petrology
- cultural-heritage
- mineralogy
- igneous
- ultramafic
- igneous-rock
- dunite
- iasi
- geoheritage
- 3d-rock
- photogrammetry
- rock
- uaic
- ophiolite
- chromite
- grigore-cobalcescu
- atlas-of-rocks
- atlas-of-minerals
- 3d-geology
- 3d-atlas-of-minerals
- 3d-atlas-of-rocks
- virtual-geology
- rock-scan
- mineral-scan
- weathered-dunite
- chip-cookie
- 3d-chromite
- 3d-virtual-geology