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More model informationKK020-017003- Built into the outer face of the E. wall of the ruined church, beneath the E. window, and now partly concealed by a modern tombstone erected against the wall (Macalister 1945, no. 28). Ogham transliteration: TAṢ[EGA]GN[I]/ [MAQ(?)]/ Ị MUC[O]Ị MAC̣[O]Ṛ[BO] Translation: ‘of Tadcán [son of] the descendant of Mac-Corb?’ The name TASEGAGNI (if the interpretation is correct) has been suggested by Ziegler (1994, 34, 234) to be an early form of the name Tadcán (diminutive of Tadc, Tadg) meaning ‘poet’. 3d model created using photogrammetry (109 images) and processed with Agisoft PhotoScan
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Jan 18th 2017