The Romulan Bird of Prey as seen in the classic Star Trek: TOS episode Balance of Terror. For such little detail this model has, It took quite a bit of work to get her right. Many will say “why didn’t you light the windows”? Answer. They are not windows. At least not the round raised areas. Only the square areas were lit windows on the original studio model, and not very bright. The round areas were part of the cloaking device. So i made them “chrome”. Still looks like lit windows at certain angles. The bussard collectors were also never lit up on the original studio model. There is some debate over the bussard color (if they even had any color at all, or were just clear glass). So i tried to match screen caps. I tried to blend in the best both the original, and remastered series details as best as i could.
This model is featured in the Homeworld: Remastered mod Star Trek: Continuum.
Would you give me the 3d model to use in an app I am writing for personal use? Please email me at
damn, dood!