An exceptionally finely decorated Magna Graecian red figure krater, depicting a winged Eros visiting a young woman and offering a wreath to her.
The scene is filled with objects which would suggest festivities. In the woman’s right hand flows a flower garland, while in her left she appears to be holding a cymbal or tambourine. Her feet are pointed, as though she were dancing. The winged eros holds out a wreath in his right hand, with what appears to be a decorated tympanon (drum) in his left. Behind the Eros’s wings hangs a ribbon, and crossing his legs is a stylized torch, possibly the four-headed Eleusinian cross torch. If this identification is accepted, the scene may be taken to depict Persephone or Hecate, with the heavy use of stylized vegetation on the vase representing the fertility rights of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The objects at the feet of the figures may represent offerings in dishes, perhaps the first fruits.
This model was compiled from 1,084 images in Agisoft Metashape, decimated in Blender
@LivAncWorlds Thank you! I've recently adopted a new workflow using new equipment which is producing much better results. I'll be remodelling this one soon to fix the errors - check out our latest model if you would like to see the difference.
Lovely model, I always find red-figure ware a bit difficult because it's usually so shiny!