Cluny Plaster Casts (HUAM #1929.310-3; 1929.327-9) were given as a gift to Frances Loeb Library in 2008 according to Deed of Gift signed 03/27/2008 and counter-signed 04/27/2008.
The casts are casts of a series of limestone capitals from ca.1088-1095, originally set on marble shafts, which supported the apse and ambulatory of the Abbey Church of Cluny.
The casts, commissioned by Professor Conant were made ca. 1930 at the Municipal Museum of Cluny by skilled specialists in the technique from Paris’ Trocadero Museum. The casts were at one time installed in the courtyard of the Fogg Museum.
Annotation note: Label sequence set in Corpus de la sculpture de Cluny, ed. Neil Stratford, Paris , c2011 and we followed his order for the faces and angles, moving counterclockwise around each capital from face a to face d and angle 1 to angle 4.
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