Comparison Metashape left VS 3DFlow Zephyr right3D Model
Comparison Metashape left VS 3DFlow Zephyr right
Triangles: 436.3k
Vertices: 218.5k
More model information104 pictures processed by Metashape and Zephyr with final model decimate to 130k mesh for Metashape and 300k for Zephyr and 8k texture jpg I have been only testing Zephyr for a week, it took 3 mesh merging and other filtering steps to get in a hour something equivalent to the metashape result obtained in 5 minutes. Of course I have been using Metashape for many years so I will wait for at least a month to give an educated opinion. I hope I can rapidly improve on that but at least I know I can do the same thing in Zephyr and I saw much more options and tools in this software than in Metashape.