The reason I brought this object in was due to the pure amount of history within them. My grandad passed this item down to me and I’d love to take good care of it. It would also be amazing to have a digital 3D version. When I’m older, I want to become a train driver. However, I really like to work with photography in my free time. **Photogrammetry and text by Adam from Pebble Brook SEND School. **
Created through the [Digital Explorations Project] (, a dynamic project, funded by the Rothschild Foundation, National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Paralympic Heritage Trust (NPHT) with support from Heart of Bucks. Groups of participants from local disability organisations have been trained in the use of a 3D scanner and photogrammetry. They have shared the skills that they have learnt with students from a SEND school to create a 3D virtual exhibition of items from the NPHT collection.