Triangles: 3.7M
Vertices: 1.8M
More model informationThe skeleton of a coppery grass lizard (Chamaesaura aenea, MCZ H 14204), a fluid-preserved specimen from the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The skin contains bony plates (osteoderms), which are shown here in teal.
This model was made with Volumegraphics VGStudioMax 3.3 from a CT scan produced by a Phoenix V|Tome|X S. The model was generated to complement a learning activity designed during the UF Center for Precollegiate Education and Training workshop “3D Vertebrates: From Museum Shelves to Classrooms.” Modeling of this specimen was funded by the oVert project at the University of Florida (NSF DBI 1701714,
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Aug 5th 2019