Triangles: 102.1k
Vertices: 51.6k
More model informationTiled 3d model used to monitor the competition for space between a boulder brain coral (Colpophyllia natans), a red tree sponge (Amphimedon compressa), and a brown alga (Dictyota spp.).
Technique: Structure from Motion (SFM) Photogrammetry. This model was generated from 150 underwater photographs taken while snorkeling. This is a single living colony, one of many colonies that make up the patch reef habitat in Brewers Bay, St. Thomas, USVI. Depth: approx 10ft
Camera: GoPro Hero 3+ Software: Agisoft Photoscan Professional Edition Processing time: ~ 12 hours
part of Lauren Olinger’s Marine Science Master’s Thesis at the University of the Virgin Islands, Spring 2016