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More model informationSculpture by Auguste Rodin, made in 1889, terracotta, 20,2 x 36,5 x 27,5 cm depicting a female mythological figure, a Danaïd. According to Greek mythology, the Danaïds were banished to the underworld and the eternal task of filling a leaky vessel with water. The female figure is crouched in a pose that expresses despair in the face of this hopeless chore. The Danaïd was originally designated to be part of The Gates of Hell. The work was enlarged and cut in marble for the buyer Herman Frithiof Antell. Encouraged by the success, Rodin had further copies made in marble, bronze and other materials. For more works by Rodin in the Nationalmuseum’s collection see our online database.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Aug 18th 2017