Dohlenstein landslide3D Model
The Dohlenstein landslide occurred on an inverted graben in the Saale valley in Thuringia, Germany. The top of the hill is made up of Muschelkalk, the base is Buntsandstein (both Triassic rocks). The first description of a landslide is from 1740. Back then the Saale River was partially blocked. Even today the river has not managed to fully erode the landslide toe. The landslide was reactivated several times (1780, 1828, 1881, 1920). Our 3D model is based on field mapping, open 1 m LiDAR data (…) and GoogleEarth Imagery. The model was created with free open source software (QGIS and Blender) by Owe Leitner, Jena. See the accompanying 3D animation on YouTube with more background info on the local geology.
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