Dowry chest
1893, Rudawa, Poland
A painted wooden chest in a Skawina style. Painting techniques and ornamentation types were passed on from generation to generation. Sometimes, carpenters were not the creators of the painting decorations but their wives or daughters.
The dowry chest was an element of traditional equipment of a bride which she brought to a new household. They were usually placed opposite the entrance, in a visible place. A large painted chest was something to be proud of. After some time, they were moved to a less visible place.
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Inventory number: MNPE/E/270
Vistula Ethnographic Park Museum in Wygiełzów and Lipowiec Castle
Digitisation: Regional Digitisation Lab, Małopolska Institute of Culture in Kraków, Poland; “Virtual Museums of Małopolska” Project
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution