Triangles: 10.5k
Vertices: 5.2k
More model informationThe Dunkleosteus 3d model was made in blender 2.9 and painted in substance painter , is subdivison ready and have a clean topology , without subdivision it haves 5234 verts and with subdivision 15006 verts , It is fully rigged with basic bones , it have a total of 4 animations : idle , swim ,speed up and bite.
The texture comes with 4k, 2k and 1k textures : diffuse , normal , metallic, roughness ,height/displacement and AO maps , baked normal map from a high poly model and place it in the low poly model , uv wrapped it manually .
Eyes ,teeth and tongue , all is in one texture.
Comes with blend file and the textures attached in rar.
Jul 29th 2022
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1 comment
it could chomp through the skull of a elephant