Old Priory House, Dunster, Somerset, England
This is a section of the attic space of Old Priory House. The priory was home to an order of Black Monks, following the Benedictine order. This surviving part of the monastery was probably the dwelling building, and in the roof space above the refectory, which appears to be of a wind-brace construction It was probably originally open to view from the floor level before upper floors were added in the C16th.
There are medieval beams still in situ in the roof, one of which can be seen in this model, partially obscured by later beams.
This model was created in a pitch black envoironment, using some LED lights to allow camera to focus and shoot using the on board flash. It has only internal surfaces. External surfaces are an illusion
Captured on 01-11-2016 11am
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
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