Surveyed as an action of the Westmeath Heritage Plan 2018-2023, funded by the Heritage Council
H 0.55m; top Wth 0.29m; base Wth 0.32m
Details from SMR – Compiled by Caimin O’Brien A small decorated sandstone pyramidal-shaped cross-base. The present N face of the base has a carved figure which is difficult to interpret. It could be a very naïve or primitive style folk carving of the crucified Christ. The figure has a rounded face with arms stretched out hands upright similar to the Orans or upright praying position. There is a carving at the base of the figure which is difficult to decipher but could be a serpent or snake like animal.. The current east side of the base is divided into four quadrants with a double line cross, the current west face is also decorated with an hourglass or figure 8 type symbol, which could be a face or some other symbol.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution