Triangles: 87.2k
Vertices: 45.6k
More model informationThe Earth Globe World geography sphere map model.
Maps capture - reconstruction test. 3x 16K textures. PNG textures available for download here:
May 20th 2020
Now available on
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@LogosOnP3DYT did you find one with cities?
No city lights

Why does no model have the citys
google earth texture
this is a 3d scan
That's very cool. Can you also add countries to it, please!!!????
google earth
How to display you data on [web app]?
I have an idea to build what I believe can be an excellent resource in understanding the different parts of our world.
Similar to Google Earth
@nebmotion Thanks. I just replied to your email! Cheers!
great model
where the heck is the clouds
Well done... great
@kitfuchoong welcome
thanks for the download