Age - 25 years
Weight - 83 kg
Specimen size - 137 x 121 x 181 mm
Summary (VP) - {S,D,S} with Ebstein’s anomaly, Isolation of left atrial appendage
Cardiac anatomy (VP) -
{S,D,S} with Ebstein’s anomaly
Atrialized right ventricle, posterior wall from atrioventricular valve ring to three-quarters of distance from atrioventricular valve ring to apex of right ventricle
Displacement of tricuspid valve
Anterior leaflet, curtain like, rudimentary chordae tendinae
Posterior and septal leaflets, displaced downwards onto ventricular septum and towards apex, rudimentary chordae insert into moderator band
Dilated right atrium
Isolation of left atrial appendage
Other diagnosis related to cardiovascular anatomy - Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Past cardiovascular surgery/intervention - None
Cause of death - Arrhythmia with multiple episodes of cardiac arrest