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EMDB › EMD-3056
Single particle reconstruction
6Å resolution
Structure of mammalian eIF3 in the context of the 43S preinitiation complex
Map released: 2015-09-09
Overview of EMD-3056
Source organism: Oryctolagus cuniculus [9986]
Fitted atomic model: 5a5t
Related EM entry by publication: EMD-3057
Primary publication:
Structure of mammalian eIF3 in the context of the 43S preinitiation complex.
des-Georges A, Dhote V, Kuhn L, Hellen CUT, Pestova TV, Frank J, Hashem Y
NATURE (2015) 525, pp. 491-495 [PubMed 26344199] [DOI]
Sep 12th 2015