Encolpion cross of the 11th-13th centuries was found during the research in the southwestern part of the Kytaiv posad.
Encolpion is a folding pectoral cross of the Kyivan Rus period. It has two parts - a lower and an upper one and was made of small metal plates. Encolpion crosses appeared on the territory of Rus in the 10th century - during the period of the spread of Christianity. The relics of saints were placed inside such crosses. They were found not only on the territory of Kyivan Rus but also in the Caucasus and Western Europe. Kyiv crafters had a monopoly on its production. Encolpions left one of the significant traces in the cultural heritage of Kyivan Rus, reflecting the artistic and spiritual way of life, at the dawn of the formation of the Christian faith among the Ruthenians.
Artifact stored in the Scientific Funds of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.