End Blade Mid-Section XCB-003-4073D Model
End Blade Mid-Section XCB-003-407
XCB-003, or IZM-003, is a site tested by A.P. McCartney in 1971. It is the type-site for the Izembek Phase. A small village with a unique whalebone house and many artifacts similar to those in the Bristol Bay region. It dates approximately 1200-1350 CE.
The Alaska Peninsula artifacts are presented as a result of the research conducted under grants NSF 9630072, NSF 9814086, NSF 9996372, NSF 9996415, NSF 1139266, NSF 1321411. H. Maschner, Principal Investigator. These artifacts were scanned with either a Faro Edge Arm or a Minolta Vivid 9i. Processed in Geomagic or Polyworks. 2-8 photos were used for texture in Geomagic Wrap. Original digitizing work done at the IVL at Id. St. Univ. Subsequent processing and publication completed at Global Digital Heritage.
- McCartney, A.P. 1974 Prehistoric Cultural Integration along the Alaska Peninsula. APUA 16(1):59-84. 2. Maschner: doi: 10.1353/arc.2011.0007 Arctic Anthro. January 1, 2004 vol. 41 no. 2 98-111.
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