Here’s a visualization of 688 exoplanets from NASA’s exoplanet catalog (which contains 4152 exoplanets as of April 28th, 2020), done with Python and Blender.
Disclaimer: I filtered the exoplanets according to parameters of interest (“only” kept 688), and spent some time recomputing parameters (such as surface gravity or temperature) while re-learning some “basic” black-body radiation and orbital mechanics equations, before mapping the resulting parameters to positions and textures in Blender. The values in this visualization are therefore approximations (and should not be used for interstellar navigation 😅).
I would advise you to visit the NASA website dedicated to exoplanets to learn more about methods linked to exoplanets detection.
And why not listen to one of those two extraordinary covers of “Life On Mars” from David Bowie while doing so ?
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
- world
- planet
- moon
- universe
- fiction
- shuttle
- b3d
- nasa
- mars
- visualization
- earth
- astronomy
- python
- travel
- bowie
- satellite
- astrophysics
- exploration
- interstellar
- galaxy
- extraterrestrial
- science
- star
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- alien
- nature
- hole
- martian
- scientific
- nebula
- mercury
- dataviz
- cosmology
- blender
- scifi
- free
- download
- black
- space
- spaceship
- environment
- exoplanets
I keep returning to this model, there is something very magical about it. I'm curious about how you achieved the '2d' axes planes that look very flat. Are they vectorised from the original drawing and added to the 3d scene in Blender?
So spectacularly good! I'll put this into NEOS VR for the community to enjoy, with proper reference to the author. Congratulation and thank you!
@studioochi Thanks a lot for your compliments!
A big part of creating the model was actually looking around in the data to see and think about what was doable in 3D with it.
I then spent some time playing around in python (so purely coding indeed) to create the indicators, look at how the data was distributed...etc.
The switch from python to Blender was actually quite easy to do, as creating this model programmatically boiled down to positioning the planets at their specific locations, and adding axes planes, as well as specifying textures for Jupiter and earth... And blender is quite user friendly for scripting.
Although it is not exactly the same workflow it could be close enough: if you are interested, I wrote an article a while back about an earthquake visualization I made on Sketchfab
I'm your fan!! Love how something so complex can look friendly and digestible with some creativity!! Still I wonder if you compute all these, from someone that doesn't code or use nodes (yet) this sounds like a ton of work!! Would love to see how you do all these in... Blender? Thank you for sharing such cool visuals and kudos on the awesome skills!!

Wich 3d scanner do you use, im looking for one i can afford.
Thi is siiiiick
Another great visualization. I like this very much! Thank you.
Very informative and accurate, it gives an idea of our current knowledge on the population of exoplanets discovered so far. And much more we will learn in the near future thanks to current and future ground and space instruments. Beyond the possibility of visiting extrasolar planets (unimaginable with current technology), I expect several amazing discoveries in the next 4-5 years (exoplanets are a new and rapidly growing field in astrophysics) ..... maybe the discovery of a planet with all the characteristics to host life
BTW, just a few years ago it was unimaginable the possibility to discover and even analyze the atmosphere and chemical composition of relatively tiny and dark planets that orbit around much larger and brighter stars .... so never put limits on the human ability to explore and discover
@luischerub Thanks Luis, happy you liked it !
It sounds quite unrealistic indeed... Yet - and to stay optimistic - my grandmother was born at a time when horse carriages were still a very popular thing, and died in 2012, after NASA landed a 4th rover on Mars (Curiosity), and while scientists on Earth were improving methods to trap individual photons while conserving their quantum properties (they got a physics Nobel prize for that). The boundary between "dark magic" and Science cansometimes be quite a thin one
very good (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
250k years to proxima b is very sad tho...
realistically speaking we may never get out of our system, unless time travel or dark magic happens