PS Hi all! Thank you for watching! Please keep in mind that this model is protected by CC-Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license. In other words, you can download this only for hobby/learning purposes. I noticed a guy was selling one of my models on the other marketplace. It was so sad… But I believe 99.9% of the kind viewers like you do not even come up with such a silly idea. Enjoy free download! I love communicating with people, so your comment and like are always welcome!
Some of my models (royalty-free license) are available for sale now. Please check out my Twitter account if you like! Cheers!
Hi, there! Sculpted in ZBrush from scratch. Painted in 3D-Coat. Marvelous Designer for clothes. Thank you for watching!
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivsCC Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs