The false door chamber in the Old Kingdom tomb of Mehu at Saqqara, Egypt. The tomb was discovered in the 1940s but only recently opened (2018) to the public. On the walls are scenes depicting various individuals bringing offerings to Mehu seated behind an offering table on each of the side walls. At the end of the chamber from the doorway is a large false door. This “door” allows the soul of the deceased to come out from the tomb and partake of the offerings left on the offering table.
Mehu served as the Chief Justice and Vizier during the the reigns of Teti and Pepi I in the early part of the Old Kingdom’s 6th Dynasty, Mehu was “Chief Justic and Vizier”. He was married to Iku, who’s titles included “King’s daughter of His Body”. His two other wives were Nebt and Nefertkawes.
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Created from 508 photographs (Canon EOS Rebel T5i) using Metashape 1.5.5. Photographed in March 2019