Description: This statuette depicts a standing female figure in a contrapposto pose, weight placed on right leg; left leg is positioned forward, bent at the knee. The right arm is at the side, left arm is bent, placed on the hips. The figure wears chiton (tunic) and himation (outer garment). Figure’s hair is in a Knidian coiffure style, with a bun/knot at the top of the head. Groove present around the head, originally securing a wreath or taenia (headband). The pendant necklace depicted may signify figure as Persephone. Materials are terracotta, with orange-buff clay and white slip. Heavily restored, some gaps and missing elements present. “Type I” statuette found during excavations of Morgantina archeological site.
Date: 3rd century BCE
Measurements (cm): H: 34
References: Malcolm, Bell. The Terracottas. Vol. 1. Morgantina Studies. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981.
This model was created using the Artec Spider structured light scanner on site at Museo Archeologico di Aidone in Sicily, Italy.