Flashlight for a Gorilla tag fangame horror mode3D Model
Flashlight for a Gorilla tag fangame horror mode
Triangles: 8.7k
Vertices: 4.5k
More model informationI thought that people may find flashlights hard to 3d model in their gorilla tag fangames.
This model is F R E E to useand youdont have to credit me! But if you still would like to credit me feel free!
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Oct 13th 2023
@ChimpWorldDEVELOPER (:
Very nice
If yóu guys would be kind enough to leave a sub on my youtube channel, it would help me a ton and i will work on adding more models in the future: youtube.com/channel/UCfcKODiDRXnZ4_mgtkK...
@krivkamaksim That so nice to hear! What will your game be called 0:
@cavallisal its not from a game i just like to provide 3d models (:
Thank you sm now i can work on my horror game mode in my gtag fan game (which i started to make like 3-4 days ago)
whats the game called
@MONKIEEEVR good luck with the game dude!
W Flashlight I'm gonna use this for my gorilla tag fangame's horror mode!
@morganhewson Thanks!
Damn this is sick