Triangles: 45.4k
Vertices: 23.1k
More model informationRecent photogrammetry scan of Fly Geyser May 2022. This was taken during the LAGI 2022 Campout.
Fly Geyser: In 1964, a well was drilled by Western Geothermal, geyser is formed by growth of travertine deposits from the water. The yellow, red and green colors represent different species of algae and serve as a kind of heat map. The orange color indicates presence of iron. There is a lot of aragonite in the formation. Temperature of water shooting from Fly Geyser is 225ºF.
You can visit this property and do a nature walk with Friends of Black Rock or you can visit a complete virtual tour you can view on your desktop.
- 120 Drone Photos
- Processed in MetaShape
- Original Model Poly count, 5 million
- Exported Model Poly count, 45k
- MeshLab
- Lots and Lots of Blender cleanup
These are not in any sort of order but the over all clean up time was approximately 15 hours.