FNAF - Security Breach - Monty Gator - Hour 03D Model
This model was originally made by Steel Wool Studios, from Five Nights at Freddy’s Security Breach.
Heavily Edited by ScrinnodStudios (aka me)
The Textures are what are used form 11pm-12:30am (Start of game to 12:30am)
You Can Download and Use this for VRChat or other
My Edits: Full body compatible, Eye tracking able, Re-rigged to fit as playable models, Scaled to Cannon size
When you change it to humanoid make sure the bones are all set to the currect slots, Unity sometimes does not set them correctly
For HQ Textures on Quest after selecting the textures go to the inspector tab and change the “Android Override Format” of the textures to “RGB(A) Compressed ASTC 4x4 Block” on “Fast” Compressor Quality if it does not let you upload because of file size limit just lower it blocks to 8x8 and change the size down untill it works
PC Shader, I recommend “Standard”
Quest Shader, I recommend “VRChat/Mobile/StandardLite”
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
- avatar
- security
- oculus
- vr
- fbx
- freddy
- vrc
- monty
- fnaf
- gator
- fivenightsatfreddys
- five_nights_at_freddys
- scottcawthon
- animatronic
- fivenights
- five-nights-at-freddys
- vrchat
- montgomery
- glam
- breach
- vrchat_avatar
- vrchat-models
- vrchat-model
- vrchat-avatar
- rock
- robot
- vrchat-ready
- security_breach
- glamrock
- securitybreach
- scrinnodstudios
- security-breach
- montgomerygator
- steelwoolstudios
- steel-wool-studios
Wow bro this is so cool I loved it
can you make it so the belt can be removed?
@scrinnodstudios ok
@meganlindsay1985 I have plans when i have free time to do it.
@scrinnodstudios Do you want to ever make the ruined glamrock?
Thank you @Pixel_Foxy and yes I plan on it when i have time
Yooo! Its me!
Heyy I really like your models because they are so impressive but can you make a Sun and moondrop, that would be amazing, I am pretty good at making avatars ffor VRChat and I cannot find a Sun or moondrop with the perfect bones.