GALIZIA cranes are characterized by: 1. Accuracy and gradualness of the movements obtained in the electric version by MOSFET control with microprocessor energy recovery programmable through the programming console. 2. Compactness and minimum turning radius, having the rear axle that can rotate 180 °. 3. Rear or front wheel drive (depending on the model) obtained by transmission of the motion from the hydraulic motor (diesel version), from the electric motor (electric version) to the differential unit and to the two wheel reducers. 4. Gradual and precise actuations of the arm obtained through a proportional distributor controlled by JOYSTICK which also allows simultaneous movements. BOOM Made of high-strength sheet metal, the 1st section is hinged to the upright, its 3 extensions are hydraulically removable with a double-acting hydraulic cylinder inside with a block valve driven for a maximum development of approximately 11.5m. The 3 extensions run inside the arm using anti-wear pads.