Hoy there ! Ahhhh we finally did it ! Here’s my personnal project about Garrosh, with his throne and Axe :D Originally, I had to follow a tutorial about how to make a character, with Corazon Bryant. The more time I spent on the project, the more I wanted to transform it as a personnal one. Garrosh was the perfect opportunity to learn sculpting within Blender : Learning Anatomy, hard surface, detailing etc ! So basically there is 3 projects within a big one. I spent 2 months making this project, following the tutorial during 2 weeks and then applying the advices on the rest of the time. Garrosh has 4 x 2k textures, the Throne has 2 x 2k textures, and the Axe is at 1k texture resolution. The Whole scene is about 111k Triangles : Garrosh is about 77k Tris, the Throne about 22k triangles and Gorehowl ( the axe ) about 6500 tris. Do not hesitate to share it if you like it ! :D This is my very first character so feedbacks are welcome ! :) FOR THE HORDE ! Take care !