Triangles: 293.9k
Vertices: 381.1k
More model informationSnow effect practice + testing out PBR and realtime shadows without baking lightmap. Still getting some exporting errors with Mineways :\
Model download:
Map download:
Clayrender version:
minecraft 1.7 with Conquest texturepack
May 2nd 2015
very nice. did you get the 3d model from google maps? and if so, how did you get the obj file?
Super cool. I exported a small test to 3dsmax. Inside max, I can’t see any triangles.
But when I import the geometry into Unreal , the cubes have all triangles. Even when unchecking triangles. I tried .fbx and .obj. But always the same problem... so how did you export/import without getting those triangles? @patrix
This is a great model regardless of export errors!
Stunning work. Would have never known you've never been in a cathedral at the time without you telling us!
@lux You would need to do the modeling and texturing elsewhere on your prefered 3D app (3dsMax, Maya, Blender, C4D....). Then just upload the model and textures here, maybe even add some annotations for information and a virtual tour guide. For more detailed steps and tutorials, you can go on the Sketchfab Help & FAQ page
I think your job is great, there are a lot of details and it's quite clear. I'm a student and I'm trying to do a kind of online museum for my art teacher, how can I do it? Shall I make files with another app and then upload them here or can I do them here? sorry if I ask you but you seem like an expert and I'm new on this web site. Thank you and sorry for my English. :)
very good likeness of a typical cathedral good job on your research and attention to detail.
@wfurneaux thanks for the suggestion. We'll keep it mind for future improvements!
Annotations are a cool addition, great job! I think this is a good example of a model where a list of the annotations on a side menu would be good to click though maybe as a future feature for sketchfab ;)
I really enjoyed that, thanks!
@patrix great work as always. The architecture is a bit more accurate than your previous cathedral :P
Very heavy loading, but I guess there's not much to do about that :/
@bartv I've reupload the model and added indoor glowmap. Not really sure whether or not to bake the AO into diffuse map to save file size, the page keep crashing or fail to load all the textures :\ Also had to google a lot of cathedral architecture terms for the annotations :P
Really impressive! And really cool that you can see inside the building as well.
The lighting on the inside is pretty awesome too, you should set up some annotations for a tour!
The diffuse texture is a bit too noisy imo, so I've uploaded a pure white version: